Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to list all donors. If your name is not listed, please contact Melissa Richardson, Director of Development at 812-206-7960.
Last Name | First Name |
Abel | Deb |
Adams | Theresa |
Albarez | Jessica |
Anderson | Melinda |
Andres | Diane |
Andrews | Shane Michael |
Arnold | Stephanie |
Atherton | Marvin |
Azad | Dr. Deepak |
Balchunas | John |
Baldwin | Dr. Stephen |
Ballard | Patricia |
Ballenger | Kenneth |
Barto | Reita |
Baumann | Clara “Mazie” Mae |
Baxley | Jacob |
Baxley | Shana |
Baxter | Jean |
Beckman | Dorothy |
Benhen | Phyllis |
Biggs | Molly |
Blue | William |
Boyd | Mari |
Boyle | Debbie |
Bradley | Emma |
Bradshaw | Mike & Penni |
Brashear | Judith |
Brawner | Jo |
Bridges | Jeff & Sheryl |
Bridges | Linda |
Bridges | Jeff & Sheryl |
Brier | Richard & Rita |
Briles | Paul & Sandy |
Brown | Craig |
Brown | Karen S |
Browne | Christine |
Buss | Micah |
Cabaniss | Marjorie Anne |
Cain | Joyce |
Campbell | Rita |
Carver | Sarah |
Cecil | Paul |
Chandler | William |
Clark | Diane |
Clark | Lora & Rob |
Clements | Bobby & Katherine |
Clere | State Rep. Ed |
Closser | Jerry |
Cochran | Michelle |
Cockrell | Sherry |
Cody | John & Peggy |
Cody | Terrence |
Cole | Rev. Dr. Albert L |
Collings | Janice |
Collins | Susan |
Combs | Kathy and Phillip |
Conte | Kip |
Cornett | Dora |
Cox | Martha |
Coyle | Chris |
Cozine | Geri |
Crady | Carol |
Crecelius | Barb |
Creek | Lee & Rebecca |
Cress | Patty |
Cummins | Jason & Pamela |
Dant | W. Keith & Shirley |
Darnell | Richard |
Davito | Tom |
Day | Karen |
Deaton | Ruth |
DeChurch | Patricia |
Dones | Joe |
Donlon | Richard E |
Doss | Barbara |
Downs | Constance |
Downs | Tina |
Doyle | John |
Drake | Doug |
Drake | Janet |
Duncan | Barbara |
Duncan | Kassie |
Duncan | Keith |
Duncan | Lindsay |
Durham | Adrian |
Dziatkowski | Robert |
Eason | Debbie |
Eason | Leesa |
Eickholtz | Annemarie |
Elmore | Vicky |
Ems | Kristin |
England | Mary |
Eswine | Donna |
Eurton | Patricia |
Fancher | Donald |
Faulkenburg | Carolyn |
Fawcett | Tom & Lucy |
Fields | Jennifer |
Fike | LaCosta |
Fischer | Tonya |
Fisher | Miriam |
Fowler | Lorene |
Franklin | David |
Freiberger | Janice |
Gahan | Mayor Jeff |
Gasparine | Glenda |
Gatton | Vernon |
Gay | Marie |
Geary | Linda |
Gibson | James L |
Giles | Becky |
Giles | Rebecca L |
Gilmore | Gary & Ruth |
Givens | Darci |
Grabowski | Sharon |
Green | Earl Barry |
Green | Serita |
Griffin | Dan & Sarah |
Grose | Kenneth |
Gunn | Wells |
Hackel | Dian |
Haeberlin | Jennifer |
Haley | Betty |
Hall | Jeannie |
Hall | Regina |
Hammond | Chuck & Julie |
Hampton | Doris |
Hanka | Angie |
Harder | Joanne |
Harris | Alma |
Harris | Theresa |
Hart | Angus & Malinda |
Hawkins | Pam |
Hayse | Nancy |
Hebert | Zachary |
Heck | Porsha |
Heckman | Kathy |
Heideman | Ruth |
Heinz Jr. | Bill |
Hellman | Kristen |
Hendrich | Linda & Kermit |
Henshaw | Ralph E. |
Hesse | Lynn |
Hight | Rita |
Hines | Linda |
Hines | Rochelle |
Hirsch | Steven |
Hodges | Dr. Mayor Treva |
Holaday | Mike |
Holland | Norma |
Holz | Mary |
Hood | Brandon |
Howard | Lisa |
Howard | Pat |
Howell | Linda |
Huber | Rosalie |
Hublar | Bob |
Hublar | R. |
Hughes | Norma |
Hunt | Barbara |
Hurley | Bobby |
Hursey | Amy |
Hutchens | Susan |
Isaacs | Marlene |
Jacobi | Sandra |
Jaenichen | Becky |
James | Barry |
Johnson | Melanie |
Johnson | Victoria |
Jones | Nita |
Jones | Shea |
Jones | Tom |
Kaestner | Karen |
Kaiser | Patricia |
Kaufmann | Carol |
Kautz | Richard |
Kelbel | Margie |
Keller | Norma |
Kemp | Laurie |
Kiesler | Terry & Janet |
Kiger | Paul |
Kime | Joanne M. |
Kleehamer | Bob and Denina |
Koesters | Lucy |
Kopp | Kathryn |
Krekel | Sandra |
Kruizinga | Vicki |
Lamb | Theresa |
Land | Tresley |
Lang | Sherri |
Lash | Sherry |
Lawson | Jean |
Lawson | Karen |
Leasor | Bobby |
Lee | Janet K |
Lewis | Kathy Copas & Chuck |
Lumley | Pam |
Lynch | Bill & Ruth |
Manning | Gary |
Marcoux | Krishna |
Marino | Angela |
Mason | Max & Marsha |
Mathes | Debra |
Mathews | Janet |
Mathison | April |
Mattox | Anne |
Maxey | Jeanne |
McCann | William & Maddie |
McCartin | Bob |
McCartin | Robert |
McCullough | James |
Medlock | Bart |
Meek | Leslie |
Mefford | Rocky & Connie |
Meisel | Marianne |
Mendoza | Glenda |
Messer-Harold | Sandy |
Meth | Sally |
Miller | Bruce |
Miller | Martha |
Miller | Michelle |
Missi | Lois |
Moakler | Theresa A |
Moch | Larry |
Morgan | Karen |
Murphy | Ed |
Nagle | Charlotte D |
Nale | Shirley |
Nash | Greg & Dr. Christy |
Nayar | Anish |
Nelms | Linda |
Netter | Jennifer |
Neville | Sandi |
Newton | Diane |
Niles | Mirranda |
Oldham | Jenny |
Oyler | Timothy |
Paul | Dana |
Paul | Hannah |
Payton | Debbie |
Pearson | Patricia |
Peavler | Yvonne |
Pelsy | Lavonne |
Pettry | Paul & Barbara |
Preher | Beth A |
Priddy | Patricia A |
Radmacher | Barb |
Ramboz | Jill |
Randolph | Kirk |
Rawlings | Rosemarie |
Rayman | Florence |
Reagan | Cheryl |
Reesor | Suedell |
Reid | Mike |
Reker | Lynn K |
Resch | Rebecca |
Reynolds | Marty |
Richards | Elizabeth |
Richardson | Jamie & Melissa |
Riddle | Dawn |
Riley | Abigail |
Riley | Larry |
Roberts | Annette |
Robison | Ann |
Rothrock | Cara |
Rothrock | Sharon |
Rowe | Linda |
Rusk | Susie |
Ryan | Michael |
Sadler-Morton | Wilma |
Sanders | Barbara |
Sanford | Connie |
Satori | Karen U |
Sawyer | Carol |
Schafer | Joyce |
Schalk | Kenneth & Pat |
Schalk | Patricia and Ken |
Schlandand | Charles |
Schlieker | CJ |
Schmilmiller | Courtney |
Schoene | Linda |
Schueler | Carolyn |
Schwaniger | Chris & Laura |
Scott | Jill |
Scott | Tom & Marilyn |
Selimovic | Mila |
Severance | Stephannie |
Shelton | James |
Shewmaker | Lorrie |
Siebert | Henry |
Siler | Nicolas |
Simmons | Theresa |
Simon | Sharon |
Skaggs | Dale |
Smith | Cheryl L |
Smith | Cindy |
Smith | Kathy |
Smith | Mary Denise |
Smith | Myrna |
Smith | Ron |
Smith | Vonda |
Spalding | Stacy |
Sprigler | Betty |
Stephenson | Donna |
Stewart | David & Marylu |
Stillman | Berneta |
Stroud | Judith |
Summerville | Joe |
Sumpter | Gayla |
Sweeney | Candice |
Swift | Tera |
Taylor | Judy |
Terry | Dorothy |
Thomas | Diane |
Thomas | Joyce |
Thompson | Christa |
Tidwell | Edith |
Timberlake | Everett & Jane |
Tinsley | Micki |
Toran | Rev. Dr. Tony |
Torres | Danielle |
Troutman | Kelley |
Trumbo | James & Cherry |
Tucker | Phyllis |
Tucker | Tom R |
Turner | Joshua “JT” |
Underbrink | Pat |
Unruh | Chad & Lori |
Unruh | Travis |
Wafford | Mary |
Walsh | Maureen |
Walters | Patty |
Ward | Stan & Sharon |
Washington | Barbara |
West | Christina |
West | Roseana |
Weyer | Janice |
Wheatley | Matt & Maria |
White | Carol |
White | Eddie O. |
Whitson | Connie |
Wilbert | Rose |
Williams | Bruce |
Williams | Eloise Pope |
Williamson | Dan & Vicki |
Williamson | Diane |
Wilson | Mary |
Wisman | Dianne |
Wisman | Ron & Dianne |
Woods | Melissa |
Wright | Jenny |
Wyzard | Doris |
Yeager | Joy |
Zoellers | Curtis & Ula |
Zurschmiede | Kevin |
Clark & Floyd Counties
Harrison & Scott Counties
888-948-8330 Toll Free
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